Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Digital footprint


  1. Hi Logan, I love the idea about being like Santa and only sharing good things, this is a great idea to help remind ourselves what to put on our blogs. I'm sure you'll be able to follow these 4 ideas very well through out the year. Happy blogging, Mrs Hahn

  2. i love your post of your foot print logan it will help people to stop think before they go on.

  3. I like how you have layed out your work. From Tom.

  4. Hi logan I like how you didn't copy anyone with your Digtal footprint.
    By chido

  5. Hi Ben here from Awahono School. I like your post about what and what not to share on your blog. I like how you have added that you should be like santa and not to share rubbish. Have you been doing these things on you blog?

    Kind Regards


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